Wondering wanderer

A backbacking story

This blog is aiming at giving anyone who cares (or those that stumbled here by mistake) my five or sometimes ten cents about traveling, keeping a budget, great photo spots and interesting experiences, based on the last year and a half I spent traveling Central- and South America as well as Europe since July 2019.

Backpacking on a budget

Myself being kind of a cheapskate I’ll try to give you my experiences about cutting costs and getting by in various places even on a relative tight budget.

Best landscape photography spots

Being a (sub-average) amateur landscape/nature photographer you’ll find information about must-see picture spots/locations in Latin America and Europe.

Hiking and adventures

I love hiking and getting outside of my comfort zone. Active volcanoes? Got you covered. Dangerous border crossings into gang-controlled territory? Look no further. Urgently need to know how backpacking 6000km through 3 countries on crutches works out? You’ve come to the right place.